Trails built by beer
Bridge Road Brewers have partnered with Specialized to help with trail builds and maintenance.
If you've ever wanted to help build trails in a legitimate way – but also prefer to spend your time riding and not digging – then there's another way that you can help. Victorian High Country craft brewery and long term cycling supporters Bridge Road Brewers are proud to announce a partnership with Specialized bikes Australia.
There's some history for collaboration, as the two brands partnered for a beer for the inaugural Ignition MTB festival at Falls Creek. Since then, they have extended that partnership on collaboration beers, club rides, dig days and at events throughout Australia.

Throughout 2021, both brands have worked together to support various mountain bike clubs around Australia to build and maintain trails. Specialized have taken a lead to encourage and assist with dig days with their Soil Searching program. In turn, Bridge Road Brewers supported the initiatuve by providing a beer that Specialized can use to reward volunteers after their efforts on the day.
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"Specialized is excited to formalise our partnership with Bridge Road Brewers after being aligned for a number of years," said Tim Webster from Specialized Australia. "It was a natural fit as we share many of the same values and passion for growing cycling at a grassroots and community level. We have some great plans for 2022, working with Ben, Maria and the entire team at Bridge Road Brewers that will build on what is already a great cycling experience in North East Victoria from events, to trail support and plenty more!"

"Maria and I are really pleased to continue our long-standing relationship with Specialized," added Ben Kraus from Bridge Road Brewers. "We have been loving their bikes for almost a decade and being able to tie our love of beer and bikes together makes it all the more satisfying. Out brands have been able to work together whenever beer and cycling events converge, and have created reasons for them to do so if they didn't. I am a big fan of supporting clubs and volunteers, and very happy to see Specialized taking a lead trail building and maintenance with their Soil Searching program."
More trail work and support to do so? We'll drink to that – well done Specialized and Bridge Road Brewers!
Note: riders are enjoying Free Time alcohol free beer on the trails.
All photos: Riley Matthews